The premiere of the first podcast episode of the BiEPAG podcast series was hosted by Florian Bieber (BiEPAG's Coordinator, Director of Centre for Southeast European Studies, Graz) and Tena Prelec (BiEPAG Member, Research Associate at the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR), University of Oxford).

Part 1

BiEPAG's Coordinator Florian Bieber is leading the discussing on the aftermath of the recent elections in Montenegro and the end of the Đukanović Era with his guests Ana Nenizic, Executive Director of CeMI, Montenegro and Bojan Baca, BiPEAG Member and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg.

What are the prospects for the newly elected president in the light of the change of power with the long-term strongman Đukanović, what does it mean for the highly polarized landscape of Montenegrin politics and what can be expected in the light of the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Part 2

Tena Prelec and her fellow BiEPAG Members Jovana Marovic (Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of European Affairs in Government of Montenegro) and Richard Grieveson (Deputy Director of the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies) are looking at the thicket of the different economic integration projects in the region, with a special focus on the Open Balkan and the recent BiEPAG policy brief "Through the Labyrinth of Regional Cooperation: How to Make Sense of Regional Integration in the Western Balkans".

Listen to the 1st episode, which is available at all streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podacasts, You Tube). 

In the focus #Montenegro Elections #RegionalEconomicIntegration

Check the podcast section at our BiEPAG website to listen to the new episodes.