16.03.2010 All News

bbbThe initiative Balkans Beyond Borders (BBB), initiated by 6 participants of the Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme 2009/2010 from Greece, Serbia, Romania, Poland and Macedonia, organized a gala night short film competition in Rex Center, Jevrejska 16, Belgrade. This event was the final activity of their Group Project, started in November 2009.

The BBB is an online short film competition on the subject of regional cooperation in the Balkans. The aim of the project was to get a better grasp of how young people understand cooperation in their region, but also to deepen young people’s understanding of their neighbors and the importance of regional cooperation for the future development of their countries.

The Gala Night was opened by a projection of 10 best short films. The best films were selected by prominent selection jury: Konstantinos Rigos, Eva Pervolovici and Slobodan Maksimovic. At the end of the night the president of the jury Konstantinos Rigos announced the winner of the first price, short film: ”Ne mogu se ni vratiti ako ne odem (I can’t come back if I don’t go away)” The authors of the best film were awarded with prize money and they received an interesting art work made by prominent Greek artist. All guests had an opportunity to speak with authors who shared their experiences gained during making this film.

The event was followed by party with music by DJ Alexandar. Members of the EFB Alumni Network, representatives of four LDP generations, were special guests.

More about the Balkans Beyond Borders

The EFB would like to congratulate the BBB Team for successful implementation of the BBB final event!
